IOCipher update to version 1.0 We are thrilled to announce that a community contributor has picked up maintaining a fork of IOCipher and updated to IOCipher 1.0, designed to enhance your development experience and empower you to create more secure applications with ease. Here’s what’s new and why it matters to you:
1. Enhanced Features We introduced a few new features. Most notably IOCipher is also available on Desktop Java for Linux and Windows now.
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Achieve Onion Layers of Security with the Triad of Apple-tizing Apps!
Our summer intern Alfred just graduated high-school and is preparing to attend a major university to focus on a technical degree. He has a personal interest in privacy and security, and is working with us on a variety of projects this summer as part of a broad, crash-course in all things Guardian Project!
Last week, I worked with three different apps for the iPhone that, when they work together, allow for a secure and private mobile internet experience.
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Improving Usability of Tor on Smartphones in Latin America
Between 2022 and 2023 Guardian Project, with support from Okthanks and the Tor Project, organized and participated in a total of 12 workshops in Ecuador, Mexico and Brazil with the participation of 161 people. The workshops focused both on the broad topic of “Tor for Smartphones”, while also taking deeper dives into specific topics like virtual private networks VPNs) and anonymous web browsing. Through a variety of methods, we gathered feedback from the participants in each of those sessions.
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Privacy Preserving Analytics in the Real World: Mailvelope Case Study
We love Mailvelope. It’s a popular browser extension for encrypting email messages. Now, Clean Insights is helping Mailvelope understand which webmail providers are most popular with their users so they can prioritize their development efforts.
Anyone who has written software knows it takes hard work to craft a great user experience. That’s even more challenging in Mailvelope’s case. Their browser extension integrates with more than a dozen ever-changing third party webmail interfaces.
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Implementing TLS Encrypted Client Hello
As part of the DEfO project, we have been working on accelerating the development Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) as standardized by the IETF. ECH is the next step in improving Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS is one of the basic building blocks of the internet, it is what puts the S in HTTPS. The ECH standard is nearing completion. That is exciting because ECH can encrypt the last plaintext TLS metadata that it is possible to encrypt.
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New insights into clean analytics
There is a giant problem with the “collect it all” status quo that pervades on the Internet, this has been clear for a long time. Tracking people has become so widespread that organizations, communities, projects and university labs have sprung up dedicated to detecting and publicizing their presence. Data and analytics are clearly useful for software creators and funders, but they also easily lead to harming people’s privacy and well-being.
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Usability: the wonderful, powerful idea that betrayed us
Usability triggered a revolution in computing, taking arcane number crunching machines and making them essential tools in so many human endeavors, even those that have little to do with mathematics. It turned the traditional design approach on its head. Initially, experts first built a system then trained users to follow it. User experience design starts with goals, observes how people actually think and act in the relevant context, then designs around those observations, and tests with users to ensure it fits the users’ understanding.
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Clean Insights: February 2021 Update on Privacy-Preserving Measurement
Greetings, all. I hope this finds you healthy and well, finding ways to enjoy the season (whichever it may be). While everyday still provides new challenges in the life of our team at Guardian Project, we continue to strive to be productive as productive as we can be in our professional and personal lives.
I’ve just posted an updated presentation on Clean Insights, reflecting on the symposium in May, and the work we have done since then.
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New Data Sources: API Key Identifiers and BroadcastReceiver Declarations
A central focus of the Tracking the Trackers project has been to find simple ways to detect whether a given Android APK app file contains code which tracks the user. The ideal scenario is a simple program that can scan the APK and tell a non-technical user whether it contains trackers, but as decades of experience with anti-virus and malware scanners have clearly demonstrated, scanners will always contain a large degree of approximation and guesswork.
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εxodus ETIP: The Canonical Database for Tracking Trackers
There is a new story to add to the list of horrors of Surveillance Capitalism: the United States’ Military is purchasing tracking and location data from companies that track many millions of people. We believe the best solution starts with making people aware of the problem, with tools like Exodus Privacy. Then they must have real options for stepping out of “big tech”, where tracking dominates. F-Droid provides Android apps that are reviewed for tracking and other “anti-features”, and F-Droid is built into mobile platforms like CalyxOS that are free of proprietary, big tech software.
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Distribution in Depth: Mirrors as a Source of Resiliency
There are many ways to get the apps and media, even when the Internet is expensive, slow, blocked, or even completely unavailable. Censorshop circumvention tools from ShadowSocks to Pluggable Transports can evade blocks. Sneakernets and nearby connections work without any network connection. Hosting on Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) can make hosting drastically cheaper and faster. One method that is often overlooked these days is repository mirrors. Distribution setups that support mirrors give users the flexibility to find a huge array of solutions for problems when things are not just working.
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Managing offline maps with F-Droid and OsmAnd
When disaster strikes, our mobile devices can provide us with many tools to deal with a wide variety of problems. The internet is not available in every corner of the planet, and large scale outages happen. Digital maps allow us to carry detailed maps of the entire planet in our pockets. And the good map apps allow the user to download entire regions to the device so that they operate without internet at all.
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Easy translation workflows and the risks of translating in the cloud
Crowdsourced translation has opened up software and websites to whole new languages, regions, and uses. Making translating easier has brought in more contributors, and deploying those languages requires less work. A number of providers now offer “live”, integrated translation, speeding up the process of delivering translated websites. On the surface, this looks like a big win. Unfortunately, the way such services have been implemented opens up a big can of worms.
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Free Software Tooling for Android Feature Extraction
As part of the Tracking the Trackers project, we are inspecting thousands of Android apps to see what kinds of tracking we can find. We are looking at both the binary APK files as well as the source code. Source code is of course easy to inspect, since it is already a form that is meant to be read and reviewed by people. Android APK binaries are a very different story.
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"Features" for Finding Trackers
One key component of the Tracking the Trackers project is building a machine learning (ML) tool to aide humans to find tracking in Android apps. One of the most important pieces of developing a machine learning tool is figuring out which “features” should be fed to the machine learning algorithms. In this context, features are constrained data sets derived from the whole data set. In our case, the whole data set is terabytes of APKs.
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Figuring Out Crowdsourced Translation of Websites
Crowdsourced translation platforms like Weblate, Transifex, Crowdin, etc. have proven to be a hugely productive way to actively translate apps and desktop software. Long form texts like documentation and websites remain much more work to translate and keep translated. Many translation services currently support Markdown and HTML, but very basically, which means much more work for translators and webmasters. Translators can inadvertently break things, either with a typo or because of a lack of knowledge of a specific syntax.
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Tracking the Trackers: using machine learning to aid ethical decisions
F-Droid is a free software community app store that has been working since 2010 to make all forms of tracking and advertising visible to users. It has become the trusted name for privacy in Android, and app developers who sell based on privacy make the extra effort to get their apps included in the collection. These include Nextcloud, Tor Browser,, and Tutanota. Auditing apps for tracking is labor intensive and error prone, yet ever more in demand.
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IOCipher 64-bit builds
IOCipher v0.5 includes fulil 64-bit support and works with the latest SQLCipher versions. This means that the minimum supported SDK version had to be bumped to android-14, which is still older than what Google Play Services and Android Support libraries require.
One important thing to note is that newer SQLCipher versions require an upgrade procedure since they changed how the data is encrypted. Since IOCipher does use a SQLCipher database, and IOCipher virtual disks will have to be upgraded.
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Tor Project: Orfox Paved the Way for Tor Browser on Android
Last month, we tagged the final release of Orfox, an important milestone for us in our work on Tor. Today, we pushed this final build out to all the Orfox users on Google Play, which forces them to upgrade to the official Tor Browser for Android..
Our goal was never to become the primary developer or maintainer of the “best” tor-enabled web browser app on Android. Instead, we chose to act as a catalyst to get the Tor Project and the Tor Browser development team themselves to take on Android development, and upstream our work into the primary codebase.
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NetCipher update: global, SOCKS, and TLSv1.2
NetCipher has been relatively quiet in recent years, because it kept on working, doing it was doing. Now, we have had some recent discoveries about the guts of Android that mean NetCipher is a lot easier to use on recent Android versions. On top of that, TLSv1.2 now reigns supreme and is basically everywhere, so it is time to turn TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 entirely off.
A single method to enable proxying for the whole app As of Android 8.
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