We are a global team who builds and designs easy to use secure apps, open-source software libraries, and customized solutions that can be used around the world by any person or organization looking to protect their communications and data from unjust intrusion, interception and monitoring.

Whether you are an average person looking to affirm your rights or an activist, journalist or humanitarian organization looking to safeguard your work in this age of perilous global communication, we can help address the threats you face.
See some of our recent and ongoing work below
ProofMode - We believe in a future, where every camera will have a “Proof Mode” that can be enabled and every viewer an ability to verify-then-trust what they are seeing.
Círculo helps you stay securely connected to a circle of support. Establish safety and check-in protocols, send alerts, share your location and keep those in your circle informed. We have worked extensively with
Article 19 on this project.
Convene is a Matrix-based chat platform that supports secure and private communication and sharing. It was co-designed with human rights advocates and digital security trainers at
Rights Action Lab.
ButterBox is a self-contained microserver, built on the open Raspberry Pi platform, that provides an app store, encrypted chat, maps, file sharing, and more, all available over WiFi, off-the-grid, and battery+solar powered. This project was built in collaboration with the
F-Droid team.
CDR Link is a secure helpdesk. We provide secure Signal, PGP, Whatsapp & Telegram channels for your community. Through our partnership with the
Center for Digital Resilience, Link has become the gold standard for secure and private help desk systems for human rights and humanitarian use cases.
Clean Insights gives product teams and developers a way to plug into a secure, private measurement platform. It is focused on assisting in answering key questions about app usage patterns, and not on enabling invasive surveillance of all user habits. It has been adopted by leading privacy-focused companies, such as